• Good Shepherd Lutheran Church invites you to join us on a journey of faith.

    We welcome the participation of all ages; races; religious backgrounds; sexual orientations; gender identities; socioeconomic, marital and family statuses; abilities; political affiliations and national origins. Ministry is strengthened by diversity and we welcome all to join us in worship, fellowship, learning and service.

    You are a child of God; you are welcome here.


We worship in-person and online. All are welcome!




Sundays Sept.-June

9:30 AM Organ/traditional style

10:30 AM Fellowship

10:45 AM Piano/contemporary style with Sunday School

Wednesdays in Lent

6 PM Soup Supper

7 PM Holden Evening Prayer

Morning Prayer

Weekdays at 9 AM




Holy Week & Easter

Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter sunrise & festival worship, and Easter egg hunt 



Upcoming Events

Join in – serve, learn and worship with us.

Help us build a #biggerTable

Our Values & Guiding Principles

Follow Jesus' example

Stand against injustice

Listen for understanding

Grow community connections

Bring joy

Practice generosity


We're proud that 2 of our ministries were chosen to be shared in a 2024 Living Lutheran article and as part of the ELCA Synod Assembly (2019) video. They feature ways we've built ongoing community through our involvement with our Guest House neighbors and conversations with our Muslim siblings.

Through these ministries and others, we build relationships with people we perhaps wouldn't encounter or engage. As Bishop Eaton says in the video, for such a time as this, we have been called to be peacemakers and healing hands in the world. Come, join in!


Read the article

Watch the video