We’re building a #biggerTable and all are welcome – newcomers, members and friends. We have in-person and online worship options, see below. Go to: Simple prep for online, home worship
Worship & Devotions
Sunday Advent Worship
Learn about this artwork (pdf)
In-person and online (link below)
9:30 AM Organ/traditional style
Bulletin: Dec. 15, 9:30 AM (pdf)
10: 30 AM Fellowship
10:45 AM Piano/contemporary style with Sunday School
Bulletin: Dec. 15, 10:45 AM (pdf)
Watch worship live or later:
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Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship
Learn about this artwork (pdf)
Both services will have candlelight, communion, Christmas hymns, and a children's message to celebrate Jesus' birth. Invite your friends and family to join us for this special day!
In-person and online (link below)
4 PM with piano
Bulletin 4 PM (coming, pdf)
6:30 PM Special music by Patagonia Winds
7 PM with organ and choir
Bulletin 7 PM (coming, pdf)
Watch worship live or later:
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9 - 9:30 AM
Meeting ID: 882 5346 2080
Password: 869601
What morning prayer means to participants
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Past Worship
Missed a worship service or want to experience a service again? Access previous worship services on our YouTube channel.
Worship materials: Hymns reprinted by permission under OneLicense.net, license #A-716465. Liturgy (c) 2022, from Sundays and Seasons #100-199, Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS027408.
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