Call Committee Update: April 20, 2021
The Call Committee is excited to share that we’ve submitted our Ministry Site Profile and are starting the interview portion of the call process. We thank everyone who participated in our cottage meetings and who completed our congregational survey. Your input was important to our work in describing Good Shepherd for the pastoral candidates we will consider.
Our Ministry Site Profile highlights our strengths while being honest about areas where we have room for improvement. Good Shepherd is an active and caring congregation with a vibrant ministry. We are proud of our youth and adult education ministry programs, Anti-Racism Team, our work with the Ezher Bloom Mosque, ALIVE!, Guest House and Carpenter’s Shelter.
It’s important to our congregation that our next pastor has talents for preaching and leading worship, building a sense of community, doing ecumenical work, providing pastoral care and visitation, and maintaining our strong youth and family ministries.
Challenges we face include maintaining our building, given the frequent flooding in the neighborhood, re-focusing energies on ministries for older members, promoting social justice without becoming overly political, and balancing externally-focused ministries to our neighbors with internally-focused ministries to our members.
We’re not able to provide the congregation with an estimated timeframe for when we may be ready to call a new pastor because the interview process can take many different paths. We will continue to work diligently and pray for God’s guidance as we move forward. We appreciate your prayers and support.
The Call Committee
Dora Cottrol, Brenda Froberg, Amy Hadley, Nancy Lopez, Bruce Purdy, Jesse Roth