Call Committee

Call Committee Update: April 20, 2021

The Call Committee is excited to share that we’ve submitted our Ministry Site Profile and are starting the interview portion of the call process. We thank everyone who participated in our cottage meetings and who completed our congregational survey. Your input was important to our work in describing Good Shepherd for the pastoral candidates we will consider.

Our Ministry Site Profile highlights our strengths while being honest about areas where we have room for improvement. Good Shepherd is an active and caring congregation with a vibrant ministry. We are proud of our youth and adult education ministry programs, Anti-Racism Team, our work with the Ezher Bloom Mosque, ALIVE!, Guest House and Carpenter’s Shelter.

It’s important to our congregation that our next pastor has talents for preaching and leading worship, building a sense of community, doing ecumenical work, providing pastoral care and visitation, and maintaining our strong youth and family ministries.

Challenges we face include maintaining our building, given the frequent flooding in the neighborhood, re-focusing energies on ministries for older members, promoting social justice without becoming overly political, and balancing externally-focused ministries to our neighbors with internally-focused ministries to our members.

We’re not able to provide the congregation with an estimated timeframe for when we may be ready to call a new pastor because the interview process can take many different paths. We will continue to work diligently and pray for God’s guidance as we move forward. We appreciate your prayers and support.

The Call Committee

Dora Cottrol, Brenda Froberg, Amy Hadley, Nancy Lopez, Bruce Purdy, Jesse Roth

About the Committee

Six congregation members were selected by the congregation council and accepted the call in September 2020:

  • Dora Cottrol, Chair
  • Brenda Froberg
  • Amy Hadley
  • Nancy Lopez
  • Bruce Purdy
  • Jesse Roth

The call committee will experience first-hand the working of God's spirit through the process of discerning God's will for the congregation to call our next pastor.

They will keep us informed of their progress and will reach out to the congregation to complete a survey and gather input on things like our mission, ministry and the future to which God is calling our congregation. Please keep them and our church in your prayers throughout this journey.

  • Dora Cottrol, Chair

    My favorite thing about Good Shepherd is the community and the many opportunities we have for fellowship and discussion.

    Hello! My name is Dora Cottrol and I have been a member of Good Shepherd for my entire life (since 1993). I was baptized and confirmed at Good Shepherd and was happy to serve as a confirmation mentor this past year. I am also a member of the church’s anti-racism team. I play the flute and love when I have the opportunity to play during church services, especially for Christmas Eve and Easter! I am honored to serve on this committee and look forward to the work ahead to call a new pastor into the church we all love.

  • Brenda Froberg

    I was initially drawn to Good Shepherd by its welcoming atmosphere and continue to appreciate its activism and outreach in our community. 

    Hello everyone!!! My name is Brenda Froberg and I have been a member of GSLC for about 2.5 years. I am honored to have been selected to serve on the committee working to call our next pastor.

    I have been a member of the Lutheran faith community my entire life. As a child growing up in Baltimore County, Maryland, I played piano (albeit not very well) for Sunday School assemblies and classes as well as at an occasional hymn sing. I later taught 5th grade Sunday School and sang in the church choir (with a voice that only an earthly Dad and a heavenly Father could love).

    Over the past 30+ years, I have had the opportunity to travel across the country as a Federal law enforcement officer and to attend, and be active in, a host of Lutheran churches. Upon my retirement, I was blessed to have been welcomed into the fold by all of you at GSLC.

    You will typically see me in-person (or virtually) at the 8:30 AM service as well as in attendance at the weekly Bible Study sessions. Since Pastor Jen’s departure, I, along with fellow GSLC member Lisa Howard, have assumed responsibility for leading the virtual daily Morning Prayers. Please join us when you can!

    I look forward to serving all of you as a member of the Call Committee. May God continue to direct us in all our doings with His most gracious favor and further us with His continual help.

  • Amy Hadley

    There are many things I love about Good Shepherd, but if I had to name one it would be the sense of community among the congregation, that we are really a family in Christ. I felt it from the very beginning, when I started attending as a new mom, but it seems to grow the more I participate in church activities and meet more members of the congregation.

    I have been a member of Good Shepherd since 2005, usually attending the 9:45 service. I truly love working with the children and young families in the congregation. I am currently in my thirteenth year of teaching Sunday School, volunteered for many years of VBS, and served on church council as chair of the Education Ministry for four years, ending last year. I also helped organize our first block party in 2018 and chaired the planning committee for our second annual block party in 2019. I would have done so again in 2020 had the pandemic not changed our plans and look forward to that event returning when we can do so safely.

    I live in Alexandria with my husband Mike, sons Jack (16) and Ryan (14) and our pandemic puppy Piper. I am honored to serve on the Call Committee and enjoy the work we are doing together.

  • Nancy Lopez

    One of the things I love most about Good Shepherd is the joy and energy surrounding our annual Christmas pageant.

    My name is Nancy Lopez and I have been a member of Good Shepherd since 2000. I am a fan of and regular attendee at the 9:45 am service because I love the purple hymnal and the opportunity to connect with other families. I have been a Sunday School teacher, director of the youth choir, and I am often a part of our Vacation Bible School.

  • Bruce Purdy

    I love most that everyone in this congregation is part of my family.

    I've been a member of Good Shepherd since 2001. Generally, I attend the 11 AM service as I sing in the choir. Since COVID, I’ve been attending the 8:30 service. I’ve served on council for most of my time here, serving as president twice. I'm honored to serve on the Call Committee and look forward to working with the committee and each of you as we call our next pastor.

  • Jesse Roth

    What I love most about GS is its friendly community feel. It reminds me of the church I attended as a child and teenager in rural Iowa.

    Hello, I’m Jesse Roth. I’ve been a member of GS for approximately 32 years. I’ve served in many roles in GS to include various Deacon positions, Vice President, Chair of Education Committee and as a Sunday School teacher. My three children were baptized and confirmed in GS. My wife Barb is also a member.