Community Outreach

As discussed previously, for every $1 offering to the Good Shepherd operating fund, 20.25 cents go to support internal and external ministries.

One of those internal ministries is the Good Shepherd community outreach fund. Our collective community outreach ministry supports families and individuals and organizations such as ALIVE!, Guest House, and Carpenter’s Shelter in our neighborhood and the Alexandria community.

To many at Good Shepherd, Denise Gray is the face of community outreach ministry. She has served as chair almost continuously since 2008. She has this to say about upcoming activities and what she has learned and received through her work as community outreach steward.

It is always an honor and privilege to represent Good Shepherd in our community. The joy of seeing firsthand the difference our congregation’s generosity makes to so many individuals and organizations is food for my soul and never gets old. Not only do small acts of kindness make a difference – sometimes they make ALL the difference!

I greatly value all the connections and friendships I have made throughout our community as a direct result of chairing this wonderful ministry.

Please consider donating to the operating fund through the 2021 Matching Funds Giving Campaign and help provide ongoing support to further Good Shepherd community outreach ministry. You can update your amount online or contact Denise Gray (who’s also our financial secretary).

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