Worship & Devotions

We’re building a #biggerTable and all are welcome – newcomers, members and friends. We have in-person and online worship options, see below. Go to: Simple prep for online, home worship

  • Sunday Worship in Lent


    In-person and online (link below)

    9:30 AM Organ/traditional style

    Bulletin: March 23, 9:30 AM (pdf)

    10: 30 AM Fellowship

    10:45 AM Piano/contemporary style with Sunday School

    Bulletin: March 23, 10:45 AM (pdf)

    Making Space

    Lent offers us a time to make space—to lean in with intentionality and care. Learn more

    Watch worship live or later:


    Online via YouTube

    Simple prep for online, home worship

    Week 4, March 30: Making Space for Rejoicing – Forgiveness and Reconciliation

    Week 5, April 6: Making Space for Generosity – Almsgiving

    Learn more

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  • Holden Evening Prayer


    In-person and online (link below)

    Wednesdays in Lent, March 12–April 9

    7 PM Holden Evening Prayer

    Soup supper at 6 PM in the fellowship hall (lower level)

    Watch worship live or later:


    Online via YouTube

    Simple prep for online, home worship

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  • Morning Prayer


    In-person and online (link below)


    Morning Prayer is currently on a somewhat intermittent schedule. Please check our events calendar for the most current schedule.



    9 - 9:30 AM


    online via Zoom


    Meeting ID: 820 2308 7932

    Passcode: 785905


    About morning prayer


    What morning prayer means to participants

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  • Palm Sunday Worship


    In-person and online (link below)

    Sunday, April 13

    9:30 AM Organ/traditional style

    Bulletin 9:30 AM (coming, pdf)

    10: 30 AM Fellowship

    10:45 AM Piano/contemporary style with Sunday School

    Bulletin 10:45 AM (coming, pdf)

    Watch worship live or later:


    Online via YouTube

    Simple prep for online, home worship

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  • Maundy Thursday Worship


    In-person and online (link below)

    Thursday, April 17

    7 PM

    Bulletin (pdf, coming)

    Watch worship live or later:


    Online via YouTube

    Simple prep for online, home worship

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  • Good Friday Worship


    In-person and online (link below)

    Friday, April 18

    7 PM

    Bulletin (pdf, coming)

    Watch worship live or later:


    Online via YouTube

    Simple prep for online, home worship

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  • Easter Sunrise Worship


    At Alexandria Waterfront Park

    Sunday, April 20

    6:30 AM


    Bring a lawn chair or something else to sit on if you prefer.


    Dress warmly - it's often windy and brisk beside the river.


    Easter Sunrise Worship bulletin (coming, pdf)

    Join us!

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  • Easter Festival Worship


    At Good Shepherd and online (link below)

    Sunday, April 20

    9:30 AM


    10:45 AM

    Easter Festival Worship bulletin (coming, pdf)

    Easter egg hunt follows, 11:45 AM in the GSLC yard

    Watch worship live or later:


    Online via YouTube

    Simple prep for online, home worship

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  • Past Worship


    Missed a worship service or want to experience a service again? Access previous worship services on our YouTube channel.

    GSLC YouTube

    Worship materials: Hymns reprinted by permission under OneLicense.net, license #A-716465. Liturgy (c) 2022, from Sundays and Seasons #100-199, Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS027408.

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Making Space: An Invitation to Lent

This invitation to the 40-day ancient practice of Lent calls us back to spiritual practices that re-center us in God's care. We invite you to make space to be renewed in these practices together.

Week 1, March 9: Making Space for Less – Fasting and Prayer: Jesus is led into the wilderness.

Fasting is a way to reexamine what we consume. We can fast from over-consumption, from supporting corporations that fail to uphold the common good (especially for Black and brown communities), from media, and from practices that harm our earth.

Week 2, March 16: Making Space to Gather – Works of Love: Jesus gathers us together as a hen under her wings.

We gather to encourage others, to serve in Jesus' name, especially as we support immigrants and refugees in the "work of welcome". We will have a special speaker from Global Refuge.

Week 3, March 23: Making Space for Renewal – Repentance and Self-Examination: The parable of the fig tree.

This Sunday we will have a visit from Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp and remember the ways we can turn to God in nature, as we examine our need for God.

Week 4, March 30: Making Space for Rejoicing – Forgiveness and Reconciliation: The parable of the forgiving father.

We forgive others and seek reconciliation in our individual lives, and as a society.

Week 5, April 6: Making Space for Generosity – Almsgiving: Mary pours out costly nard on Jesus' feet.

We recognize that all we have comes from God and share our resources with others.

A hand reaches down toward another open hand: Morning Prayer

About Morning Prayer

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we've gathered on Zoom for Morning Prayer at 9 AM on weekdays (and occasionally Saturdays). We use a form for prayer based on ancient liturgies, called Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals. This liturgy grew out of The Simple Way community in inner Philadelphia, led by Shane Claiborne, and is used by faith communities around the world.

Lisa Howard runs our technology and leads the liturgy. Brenda Froberg crafts prayers reflecting the prayers of our community, the world and observances of the day. Bill Susling offers or curates music.

All are welcome, whether occasionally or regularly. Prayer request can be sent to Lisa regardless of attendance.

What Morning Prayer Means to Us

An uplifting start each morning

We are grateful to Pastor Jen for having started a fixed time for group daily prayer at the start of the pandemic and for continuing it until her departure. We are so very privileged to have continued this practice.

Words cannot adequately describe how uplifting it is to start mornings in the company of this band of "prayer warriors." It is a blessing to be able to pray for, on behalf of, and with individual family members and friends, as well as for members of our congregation and the church community as a whole. It is also empowering to have the opportunity to lift our collective voice along with that of fellow believers across the country, and around the globe, in support of the marginalized, the outcast, the poor, and on specially designated days of recognition.

Everyone is welcome to join this daily ministry whenever they can. We look forward to continuing to serve Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in this ministry as long as there continues to be a need.

In Gratitude,

Brenda Froberg and Lisa Howard

Community in this powerful, welcoming group

Nate and I moved to Alexandria from MacDill AFB in Florida. We are a military family and have moved quite often. However, this move was unique in that it was at the onset of the pandemic. The stress of moving to a new place with no friends or family was difficult. I was looking for churches in the area and was excited to find Good Shepherd Lutheran Church with the offering of a daily prayer group.

I started attending the prayer group via Zoom and immediately felt uplifted and encouraged. I feel a strong sense of community within this powerful, welcoming group. The daily routine of the group: reading scripture, fellowship, and lifting our fellow beings up in prayer is now foundational to my daily life. It has led to my growth and evolution of connection and faith.

I am sincerely grateful for the group and know miracles have happened as a result of these daily prayers.

Thanks so much for what you do!

Lisa "Kitty" B

Simple Preparations for Online, Home Worship

You may want to light a candle for worship.

We invite you to celebrate Holy Communion with us online.

  • For most people having the physical elements of communion available will mean a piece of bread or cracker and a cup of wine, grape juice or water. Gluten-free bread or crackers are also welcome.
  • You don't need anything fancy to celebrate. Jesus used the most common and basic foods to bless so that Holy Communion would be accessible to all. 

During worship, Pastor Kate will speak the comforting words, “In the night in which He was betrayed…”

  • The bread and wine you have at home will be tangible signs of God's promise to be present in, with and under the elements of Holy Communion.
  • We receive this meal and the forgiveness, grace and love it brings as an act of faith.
  • We trust that God will be where God has promised to meet us, transcending physical and online boundaries.

GSLC communion bread recipe | Making GSLC communion bread (video)

COVID-19 Protocols

GSLC's COVID-19 protocols are set by our COVID-19 Task Force.

Our goal has always been to provide a caring community. We've implemented a tiered approach to adapting to changes in the City of Alexandria CDC-identified community levels:

  • Mask Optional - Green (low community transmission)
  • Mask Recommended - Yellow (medium community transmission)
  • Mask Required - Red (high community transmission)

What can you expect?

  • We welcome anyone who feels more comfortable wearing a mask to continue doing so. We've found at the green/low community transmission level, some wear masks, others don't.
  • Those who want to sing during worship may do so and the choir provides an anthem.
  • We're receiving communion at the rail with wine in individual cups. Communion kits are also available if preferred.
  • We can have meals and social activities with food inside our space. We’re excited to move toward holding more gatherings and events as a community.
  • Pastor Kate will continue to send notifications when we learn that someone present in worship or at a Good Shepherd event tested positive for COVID-19.

For more information about community transmissions levels and guidance, visit the CDC website.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Pastor Kate or any other member of the COVID-19 Task Force (Sue Cottrol, Lori Strauss, Denise Steene).


September-June Schedule

In-person and online

Sundays at 9:30 AM and 10:45am

Sunday School is held during the 10:45am service

Summer schedule

In-person and online

Sundays at 10 AM

What will I experience in worship at Good Shepherd?

  • A community of people who are passionate about growing in faith and reaching into the community around us with the love of God embodied by Jesus.
  • Worship that is joyful, inspiring and relevant to your life today.

Is there any difference between the worship services?

  • Summer worship

    During the summer, we have one 10 AM worship service each Sunday. These tend to be a blend between the traditional and casual. There’s always a communion meal and children’s message. We often have special music in the summertime.

  • All worship services

    ...follow a pattern of worship that includes singing, prayer, Bible readings, a sermon, communion meal, receiving offering and a children’s message. Occasionally, members of the congregation or others share a faith story as part of our worship. Services are about an hour long.

    We also have a nursery on the lower level where worship services can be heard via speakers.

  • The 9:30 AM service (school year schedule)

    ...tends to follow a more traditional liturgy that varies by church season (we change it up every six to eight weeks or so) with organ and often includes the ancient form of chanting. The adult choir sings at this service.

  • The 10:45 AM service (school year schedule)

    ...is more casual in nature. Children begin in worship with their families and hear an opening prayer, gospel reading and children’s message before going to Sunday School. Some children choose to stay in worship rather than attend Sunday School and that’s welcome too. Children also often take worship leadership roles by reading Bible texts, helping to serve communion, collecting offering, etc. This service usually uses the piano for accompaniment rather than organ.

Children in Worship

At Good Shepherd we believe that worship is for all God’s children. Infants to children of every age are welcome to fully participate in worship, and parents with young ones can feel comfortable knowing that the sounds of children are part of our joyful praise.

We also have a nursery on the lower level where worship services can be heard via speakers.

Go to additional details

Pastor Kate gives communion bread to a worshiper as another woman worshiper reaches for a glass of communion wine from a tray held by a woman assisting minister

What is Communion?

Every week when we gather, we participate in Holy Communion, sometimes called Holy Eucharist. As we share in bread and wine, we believe that Christ is truly present in the sacrament and among us.

We welcome all baptized persons to join us for communion as they are comfortable doing so.


What do I do if I would like to be baptized or have my child baptized?

Just talk with Pastor Kate! She typically meets at home with those desiring baptism for conversation about what baptism is (and isn’t!)

Baptisms are public acts done in the midst of a worship service so the one who is baptized experiences the love and prayers of the faith community they’re entering into.

We schedule baptisms throughout the year at any of the worship services on a mutually convenient Sunday.

Pastor Kate stands with a couple and their baby near the baptismal font