Visit & Connect

You're Invited

The life of faith has always been about relationships. God's relationship with us—the promise that we're valued and loved just as we are—is lived out in our relationships with others. We connect with friends and neighbors, with the needs of our community, with the concerns of the world.


We think of ourselves as a community of believers, questioners and questioning believers. Whether you're new to Good Shepherd, a member or a regular, please join us for worship or to any of our service, learning and fellowship activities. Help us build a #biggerTable!

Check out our calendar for upcoming connection opportunities.

  • Photo of crusty bread beside a bowl of soup with carrots, peas and chunky potatoes via

    Simple Soup Supper


    In-person and online (link below)

    Wednesdays in Lent, March 12–April 9

    6 PM

    Fellowship hall (lower level)

    Holden Evening Prayer follows at 7 PM

    Join us for conversation over a simple soup supper during lent.

    With emphasis on simple and social, the meals are soup and bread/crackers, including kid-friendly peanut butter and jelly. Store-bought soup is just fine!

    Interested in helping? There are options to help with set-up, clean-up or bring soup.

    Signup on the sheet in the lobby or contact Pastor Kate.

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  • 2 teenage girls helping to prepare a meal look up with smiles

    Be Our Guest


    Monday, March 24*

    4:30 - 6 PM

    GSLC kitchen (lower level)

    Come help us cook a homemade meal for our neighbors at Guest House!

    *This service and fellowship group usually gathers on the 3rd Monday monthly—please note the shift to the 4th Monday in March.

    Contact Amy Hadley to let us know if you're coming or if you have questions.

    Events calendar

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  • Men and women conversing and laughing around a large table

    20s/30s Brunch


    Typically the 1st Sunday of the month

    Next gathering: Sunday, April 6

    12/12:15 PM

    Location coming

    Join us for brunch with other young adults in the congregation. And friends are welcome for food, faith and fun!

    RSVP or questions: Contact Pastor Kate

    Events calendar

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