Inova Blood Drive
Saturday, May 3
9 AM – 1 PM
Good Shepherd fellowship hall (lower level)
Blood donors save lives! According to Inova, a single donation can help save up to 3 patient lives. When people who are sick or injured need blood, there’s only 1 place it can come from—a volunteer blood donor.
Over 200 units of blood and blood components are required daily to support the diverse communities Inova serves. The need is great—every 2 seconds someone in the United States needs blood. Join us in providing this lifesaving gift.
Questions? Contact Amy Hadley
General Eligibility
- 17 years or older (16 with parental consent form)
- Valid photo ID
- Feeling well on day of donation
- Additional eligibility details
Whole Blood Donation Process
- Registration
- Health history/screening
- Mini physical (temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, hemoglobin level)
- Hydration
- Donation
- Refreshments
- Learn more about these steps