Whether Good Shepherd member or not, you’re welcome and invited to participate in any and all of our activities.
Check the GSLC calendar for upcoming events and schedule specifics.
Whether Good Shepherd member or not, you’re welcome and invited to participate in any and all of our activities.
Check the GSLC calendar for upcoming events and schedule specifics.
20s/30s Group
Folks in their 20s and 30s gather over brunch for informal discussion of current and popular events, how they intersect with our faith, and questions that arise from there.
Typical schedule: Monthly at 12:30 PM (Sept.-June) or 11:30 AM (July-Aug.) at a local restaurant
Contact: Meg Loftus
Altar Guild
Alexandria Tutoring Consortium
Anti-Racism Activities and Team
Assisting Ministers
Bible Study
Book Club
Carpenter's Shelter
Chamber Choir
Chili Cookoff, Brownie Bakeoff
Join us for this fun evening whether you have a winning recipe and a competitive streak, enjoy live music, or just want some good food and fellowship.
Typical schedule: Annually, usually in January, February or March
Contact: Jodee Heidmann, youth ministry chair
Circle 3 Women's Group/Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
Communications Committee
Have skills in (or an interest in learning) social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube), writing (especially for the web and email, blogging, etc.) or communications strategy? We’re building a team of folks to help more effectively share our #biggerTable story with the community and within GSLC.
Typical schedule: Varies
Contact: Corinne Berkseth Baker, communications ministry chair
Communion Presenters
Community Outreach Activities
We take part in a wide variety of in-person and donation/in-kind events to accompany and assist those in need in our community, Alexandria and beyond. Go to details on serving locally.
Typical schedule: Varies
Contact: Denise Gray, community outreach chair
Community Outreach Committee
Interested in planning activities and efforts to accompany and assist those in need in our community, Alexandria and beyond? Let us know!
Typical schedule: Varies
Contact: Denise Gray, community outreach chair
Confirmation Leaders
Conversations with Friends
Teams of two or three count the offering each Sunday after worship.
Typical schedule: Once per month
Contact: Denise Gray, financial secretary
Education Committee
Do you have interest, experience or expertise in helping to plan learning opportunities for kids, youth or adults? Let us know.
Typical schedule: Varies
Contacts: Christine Redon, education ministry chair
Denise Steene, education ministry coordinator
Finance Committee
Do you have expertise or expertise in accounting or finance? An interest in applying sound and spiritual practices toward stewardship of our financial resources? Let us know!
Typical schedule: Occasionally
Contact: Randy Parker, finance committee chair
First Communion Leaders
Flower Committee
Gift of the Month
God’s Work, Our Hands
Guest House
Instrumental Music
Mission Endowment Fund Committee
The Mission Endowment Fund (MEF) is a fund of contributions specified and invested to create long-term giving opportunities. Separate from GSLC’s operating and designated funds, the interest generated by the MEF is donated as another way to do God’s work in the world. The committee oversees the MEF investments and selects recipient organizations.
Typical schedule: Quarterly meeting
Contact: MEF Committee members
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Property Activities
Are you handy with a paint brush, scrub brush or rake? Like any house, the little church on the triangle always has handy-person or spring-cleaning projects.
Typical schedule: Varies
Contact: Denise Elfes, property committee chair
Property Committee
Are you a fix-it person, DIYer or good at managing projects? Apply these skills while helping to plan for and implement important ongoing and long-term maintenance for our building and yard. Let us know!
Typical schedule: Varies
Contact: Denise Elfes, property committee chair
Readers (sometimes called lectors)
Refugee Family Support
Staff Support Committee
A group that attends to the human resources needs of the Good Shepherd staff.
Typical schedule: Every other monthly
Contact: Cheryl Malloy, staff support committee chair
Stewardship Committee
Do you have expertise or experience in charitable giving or fundraising? Or an interest in helping connect people’s time, talent and treasure with Good Shepherd’s efforts to build a bigger table? Let us know!
Typical schedule: Varies
Contact: Pastor Jen
Sunday School Teachers
Synod Assembly Representatives
Each year, GSLC voting members elect representatives to attend the ELCA Metro DC Synod Assembly and vote on the congregation’s behalf. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the wider work of the ELCA and GSLC’s role in those efforts.
Typical schedule: 1-2 day-long meeting in June
Contacts: Synod reps
VBS/Summer Camp Teachers/Helpers
Welcome and Connect Activities
The focus of our ministry is sharing God’s love with all by growing connections with each other and in our community. Our welcome and connect efforts invite questioners, believers and questioning believers to engage with us and build bonds/friendship/mutuality/ties between new folks, recent-comers, regular participants and long-time members and to be a blessing to the broader community.
Typical schedule: Varies
Contact: Lori Strauss, evangelical outreach ministry chair
Welcome & Connect Committee
Are you one of those people who seem to connect people? Or interested in planning authentic ways of introducing people to the grace of God in action today? Let us know!
Typical schedule: Varies
Contact: Lori Strauss, evangelical outreach ministry chair
Worship & Music Committee
Youth Committee
High school youth and AAA adults—authentic, affirming and available—to spend time with our young people and accompany them on their faith journey as we participate in a variety of activities. (All individuals working with youth must read and sign our Child Protection Policy.)
Typical schedule: Varies
Contact: Jodee Heidmann, youth ministry chair