New Here?

Welcome! We hope this information helps you know what to expect at our church. If you have any other questions, contact any of our staff or reach out via social media.

Worship Schedule

In-person and online


Sept-June schedule: Sundays at 9:30 AM and 10:45 AM

Sunday School at 10:45 AM (starts in worship, leads directly to education time)


Summer schedule: Sundays at 10 AM

Sunday School resumes in the fall


More worship info


What should I wear?

Wear what you’re comfortable worshiping in when you join us. You’ll see a variety of clothing styles here, from jeans to business casual to “Sunday best.” Shorts are common in the summer. We’re more interested in worshiping together as a community than worrying about what people are wearing.

Visiting GSLC

Getting Here

100 West Luray Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22301

By car:

By Metro or bus: 

Once You’re Here

  • Entrances are on the Braddock Road and Luray Avenue sides of the building.
  • Restrooms are near the Braddock Road entrance on the main level and downstairs.
  • An elevator is available.
  • If you’d like coffee, we have a Keurig on the main level in the lounge across from the worship space. You’re welcome to take a mug in with you to worship.
  • Please make yourself a nametag. You’ll see nametags near the Luray Avenue entrance/outside the church office - there are blank tags and markers nearby.
  • As you enter the worship space, an usher will give you a worship bulletin/pamphlet.
  • Choose any seat in the worship space. An usher can help you find a seat as needed or answer any questions.

Kids are welcome in worship! 

At Good Shepherd we believe worship is for all God’s children. Children of all ages are welcome to fully participate in worship, and parents with young ones can feel comfortable knowing the sounds and wiggles of children are part of our joyful praise.

If you’d like, children’s busy bags are available as you enter the worship space. An usher can help if you don’t see them.

Should you need to step out with your child during worship, there are speakers outside the worship space so you can hear the service. Often the volume is turned down when not in use; the control is on the wall to the left of the couch. An usher can help if you don’t see it.

We also have a nursery on the lower level where the worship service can be heard via speakers.

The Worship Service

We use a wide variety of worship forms and styles, some traditional and some more casual and contemporary. 

Lutheran worship is traditionally liturgical, which means it follows an arranged order. At Good Shepherd, we use different liturgies, depending on the season. The 6-8 liturgies provide diversity and also have a comforting rhythm for those newly- or not-so-newly familiar.

Whatever the liturgy, this is the typical pattern. If you join us on Sunday, this pattern is also noted in the service bulletin/pamphlet:


    The Holy Spirit calls us together as the people of God.

    Prelude: Instrumental, piano or organ music before the service starts. A time in the worship space for reflection, meditation or prayer.

    • We begin worship in song with a gathering hymn, sung by all. You’re welcome to simply listen if you prefer.
    • A responsive greeting led by Pastor Kate or the assisting minister follows, usually a combination of speaking and singing.
    • An opening prayer is shared, followed by announcements.
  • A closeup view of 3 worshipers mirroring a gesture Pastor Kate is making just beyond them during her sermon


    God speaks to us in scripture reading, preaching and song.

    • A worship participant reads the first lesson (often from the Old Testament) and second lesson (often from the New Testament and usually from a portion called the Epistles). S/he also leads those gathered in reading a portion of the Psalms.
    • Pastor Kate reads the Gospel (from one of the first books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke or John).
    • Kids are invited forward for a children’s message, usually involving a real-life analogy they can apply to one of the scripture readings. Often there are props. Sometimes there’s candy :-)
    • Pastor Kate then offers a reflection, often called a sermon, on the scripture that’s been read. Example, children's message begins at 30:14, the sermon at 33:47
    • We sing another hymn or song, read aloud the Apostles’ or Nicene Creed, offer prayers, and share the peace with those gathered.
  • Pastor Kate offers communion bread to a worshiper as the assisting minister offers the wine to another and a young boy with a tray collects the cups


    God feeds us with the presence of Jesus Christ.

    • The choir sings at the 9:30 AM service (typically September – June) as we receive an offering, which is our gifts of thanks used to build a #biggerTable and support GSLC ministries locally and globally.
    • We use a responsive pattern for collective confession of our individual wrongdoings and ask for and receive God’s forgiveness. As Lutherans, we believe that forgiveness is freely given by God as a gift of grace.
    • Through word and song, we prepare for and give thanks for the communion sacrament.
    • The Lord’s Prayer is said, read or sung by those gathered.

    Communion: This is Christ’s table and ALL are welcome here! Ushers guide those gathered to kneel or stand at or near the communion rail. All who are baptized receive the bread (gluten-free wafers are available) first and then wine or grape juice. As Lutherans, we believe in the real presence of Christ in, with and through the bread and wine. Children who haven’t had first communion preparation or all who haven’t been baptized receive a blessing at communion.

    • If needed, communion procedures may be modified based on COVID-19 protocols.
    • If you come to the rail but for any reason prefer not to take communion, simply cross your arms to indicate such.
    • If you prefer the gluten-free wafer, there’s a small bowl for you to select it from.
    • If you prefer grape juice, cross your arms to indicate such.

    God blesses us and sends us in mission to the world.

    • As worship concludes, Pastor Kate offers a closing blessing, often called the benediction.
    • We sing a final hymn and are reminded of our calling and abilities to be God’s hands in the world.
    • If it’s your first time with us, you should receive a welcome/visitor bag on your way out. Please ask for one if we miss you! It includes information about Good Shepherd and a small gift—our thanks for visiting.
    • As we depart, we greet those around us. You’re invited to enjoy the postlude music in the worship space or grab a/another cup of coffee outside the worship space. Feel free to linger a bit and chat with others as you’re comfortable.

After Worship & During the Week

We offer Sunday School at 10:45 AM during the school year for children 2 years old through high school and welcome your kids to participate when you’re with us. Occasionally, discussions or presentations (sometimes called adult forum) are also held at 10:45 AM.

We hold a variety of service and learning activities at Good Shepherd or in the community throughout the week. Find schedules and details across the website, especially:


On our events calendar


By age group:

On Facebook